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Thursday, December 10, 2009


What is Poverty?

Poverty is a state where a lack of things common to possess such as food, clothing, shelter and drinking water, these things are closely related to the quality of life. Poverty often means lack of access to education and employment that can overcome the problem of poverty and obtain the proper respect as citizens. Poverty is a global problem. Some people understand this term is subjective and comparative, while others view it in terms of moral and evaluative, and still others in terms of scientific understanding that has been established. The term "developing countries" is usually used to refer to countries that "poor".
Poverty is understood in different ways. The main understanding include:

* Preview the material shortages, which usually includes the needs of daily food, clothing, housing, and health services. Poverty in this sense is understood as a situation of scarcity of goods and basic services.
* The picture of social needs, including social isolation, dependency, and inability to participate in society. This includes education and information. Social isolation is usually distinguished from poverty, because it involves political issues and moral, and not limited to the economic field.
* The picture of the lack of income and wealth should be adequate. Meaning of "sufficient" here varies greatly across parts of politics and economics throughout the world.

Poverty can be grouped into two categories, namely absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to a set of consistent standards, is not affected by time and place / country. An example of the absolute measurement is the percentage of the population below the numbers of eating enough to support the needs of the human body (of about 2000-2500 calories per day for adult men).

The World Bank defines absolute poverty as living below the income dg USD $ 1/hari and high poverty to income below $ 2 per day, dg is the limit in 2001 estimated at 1.1 billion people in the world consume less than $ 2.7 billion 1/hari and the world consume less than $ 2/hari. "[1] The proportion of people in developing countries who live in extreme poverty has fallen from 28% in 1990 to 21% in 2001. [1] Looking at the period 1981-2001, the percentage of world population who live below the the poverty line $ 1 dollar / day has been reduced by half. However, the value of $ 1 also experienced a decline in that time.

Although the most severe poverty in the world are developing States, there is evidence of the presence of poverty in each region. In developed countries, these conditions bring the homeless who wander around and suburban areas and the poor ghettos. Poverty can be seen as the collective condition of poor people, or groups of poor people, and in this sense the whole country is sometimes considered to be poor. To avoid this stigma, these countries are usually referred to as developing countries.

Causes of poverty

Poverty is more associated with:

* Causes of individual, or pathological, which saw poverty as a result of the behavior, choices, or the ability of the poor;
* Cause the family, linking poverty with family education;
* Causes of sub-culture (subcultural), linking poverty with daily life, learned or done in the surrounding environment;
* Causes the agency, who see poverty as a result of the actions of others, including war, government, and economics;
* Structural causes, which gives the reason that poverty is the result of social structure.

Although widely accepted that poverty and unemployment are the result of laziness, but in the United States (the richest country per capita in the world) such as have millions of people who termed the working poor, ie, those who plan tidaksejahtera or public assistance, but still failed to pass the the poverty line.
Eliminating poverty

The main response to poverty is:

* Assistance poverty, or help directly to the poor. This approach has become part of European society since medieval times.
* Assistance to the circumstances of the individual. Many types of policies implemented to change the situation of the poor by individuals, including punishment, education, social work, job search, and others.
* Preparation for the weak. Rather than providing direct assistance to the poor, many countries sejahteramenyediakan assistance to people who are classified as poor, more likely, such as elderly people or people with a disability, or circumstances that make people poor, as demand for health care.

List of countries by Human Development Index
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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