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Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Start is the beginning of the line where we start doing some activities in daily life. "Start" in the language means starting. Maybe if there's no start-finish line, in terms of where we start doing some activities to get something purposes.

In this discussion the first to be explained is what is philosophy? Philosophy is the science which are interested to know the real truth. Philosophy is the science which studies or to include all existing knowledge in the world. Why do humans philosophizing and when he started berfisafat?. generally a philosopher began to philosophize because of the sense of awe and a sense of wonder in the mind itself. In this case experienced by Plato (Greek philosopher) which states: "Our eyes give observations of stars, sun and sky. These observations encourage us to investigate. And this investigation comes from philosophy. "When people philosophize? Human philosophizing as he thinks and why I have created? from which people begin to philosophize.
From these questions, Man will try to find and will continue to seek answers to questions. People will start Darisitulah much philosophizing and they will continue to try things mngaitkan between each other.

In this discussion there was debate about which comes first between seeking and finding. A young man said that we will discover something new about our first mencarinnya. But my response about the search and find is how does someone find something if he did not seek, in other words we will find something first, then we'll find something about it. Examples of cases is when we question who we are and how our identity, we will find out about all the emergency response that then we get the answer.

Philosophical question, there are six issues of concern to the philosophers of philosophy persolan issues are: there is, knowledge, methods, inference, morality, and beauty. Sixth problem requires radical answers, and each and every issue makes one branch of philosophy.

Understanding of philosophy, the term philosophy comes from the Greek discussing Philo (love) and Sophios (wise), which therefore is called Philoshopy which means love of wisdom seeker. As for understanding the philosopher according to the philosophers as follows:

1. Plato
Philosophy is the knowledge that interested in achieving genuine knowledge of truth.

2. Aristotle
Philosophy is the science (knowledge) which includes the truths contained therein metaphysical sciences, logic and other so-called philosophy of beauty.

Philosophical views about human beings, according to the review of human beings who ask, in this case a human being and the question asks itself and its existence as well as overall kosnous.

Humans will never escape from another man.

In nature, human beings are never satisfied reply and always wanted to know. People want to always get something better, or perfect for life. And therefore people will find something to start with.

Likewise with the philosophy, people began to philosophize at the time he was questioned about the purpose of his life and how he made an effort to achieve what it wants to achieve its goal by using reason and thought.


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